Scientific committee:
- Patrick Caudal (LLF, UMR 7110- LABEX-EFL)
- Bridget Copley (SFL, UMR 7023)
- Igor Douven (IHPST, UMR 8590)
- Paul Egré (Institut Jean Nicod – ENS)
- Chi-hé Elder (University of East Anglia, UK)
- Shira Elqayam (University of De Montfort, UK)
- Alda Mari (Institut Jean Nicod – ENS)
- Adeline Patard (University of Caen, CRISCO)
- Francesca Poggiolesi (IHPST, UMR 8590)
- Chris Reintges (LLF-UMR 7110 CNRS, LABEX-EFL)
- Hans Rott (University de Regensburg, Germany)
- Ghanshyam Sharma (INALCO, PLIDAM, LABEX-EFL)
- Eve Sweetser (University de Berkeley)
- Timothy Williamson (University of Oxford, UK)
Local organization
- Cristina Birsan
- Igor Douven
- Chris Reintges
- Ghanshyam Sharma